Budget 2023

Convair Sailing Club has performed well in 2022 and we have had 32+ new members join the club in 2022


Thanks to all who refered new members, helped with recruitment and promoted out club!

As you may know, we are currently undertaking the neccessary sceduled maintenance of bottom painting the sailboats, starting with the Victorys. By doing this ourselves, we can save significant expenses – read article in this newsletter. Our sails are also aging and are already earmarked to be replaced on a staggered annual schedule: Victory jibs, Ensign jibs, Victory mains, Ensign mains. The marina has also announced an increase in the monthly dock slip fees to keep up with the ever rising inflation enemy.

After much debate and consideration the Board has approved a limited increase on the annual membership due to $495 per annum. This also already includes a benefit of $50 in sailing hours. Sailing hourly rate remains the same –  THIS IS STILL THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN!
Dues are per calendar year and Annual Dues are due January 1. 

Please complete the 2023 Application Form needed for insurance and mail to:
 CSC Registrar P.O. Box 22981 San Diego, CA 92192-2981, or bring to Annual Registration Night.