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How do I get in an Ensign sailboat?

The Convair Sailing Club Victory sailboats are a blast to race and they’re excellent for learning but when you want to take out friends and family you need a little more cockpit space. Convair Sailing Club owns and maintain a fleet of six (6) Pearsons Ensigns. They are only 2 feet longer than the Victories, but with a far more spacious cockpit that can comfortably sit 6 people. The deeper seats and higher backrests are very comfortable. The furling jib and the outboard engines compliment this sailboat to make it a very popular day sailboat and competent racer. To learn more about the Ensigns see our website.  So how do you get on an Ensign?

What is the path to Ensign Check-Out ?

After completion of a minimum of 30 sailing hours as captain of a Victory, you can apply to be checked out on an Ensign.  One of the first places to start is the Ensign check out form available on our site. We have revised and updated the Ensign Check-out form to be used by all instructors when checking out members advancing to the Ensign sailboats. Please complete this form during the evaluation procedure.

The revised Ensign Check-out sheet will also help the instructor and student to cover all the significant differences of this sailboat from the Victory during a detailed orientation session.  Before sailing away from the docks, the focus will initially be on the outboard engine and how to properly operate the outboard engine. On the water the instructor will go over how the boat handles differently from the Victory. The total check-out training session will last around 3 – 4 hours, so leave enough time to be relaxed.

Handy check out list

  • Complete 30 hours as captain of Victory sailboat
  • Read Convair Sailing Club Instruction and Handbook pages on Ensign sailboats (website)
  • Request a copy of the Ensign Check-out Sheet – check off list PDF
  • Visit the docks on your own time and go through the check-out sheet as preparation
  • Request a fun sail on an Ensign with a sailing partner
  • Advise our Chief of Check-out, Robert Skillings, that you wish to do an Ensign check-out
  • Submit your sailing resume / log showing a minimum of 30 hours as captain of the Victories
  • Self-study – watch videos
    – Ensign Motor Operation
    – How to start and operate a small outboard motor
    – Steering a sailboat in reverse – including the motor in reverse
  • Your Sailing Instructor will contact you to set up a date.
  • Allow 3 – 4 hours for this training session.
  • Sail and then get checked out!

Get your 30 hours in and then get out there on an Ensign!